Herbal Supplements

The Herb and Supplement Index

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Name green tea


Scientific Name Camellia sinensis, Thea cinensis

Description Green Tea has stimulant, diuretic and astringent properties. To obtain green tea using the traditional process first leaves from the tea plant are steamed, then rolled and dried. The steaming kills enzymes that would otherwise ferment the leaves. With other types of, the leaves are allowed to ferment either partially (for oolong tea) of fully (for black tea). The lack of fermentation, however, gives green tea it's unique flavor and more importantly preserves virtually all of the naturally present polyphenols (strong antioxidants that can protect against cell damage). Other substances in green tea that also may be beneficial are fluoride, catechins and tannins.

Uses Green Tea possesses compounds that may provide protection against several cancers and, possibly, heart disease. Studies indicate that it also fights infection and promotes longevity. Because of the tannins in green tea, it is useful for diarrhea.


Possible Side Effects Green tea is very safe, both as a supplement and as a berverage. People that are sensitive to caffeine, however, may limit it's consumption as each cup contains on the average about 40 mg of caffeine.

REMINDER If you have a medical condition such as a heart condition, high blood pressure, palpatations, high blood sugar or other medical conditions talk to your doctor before taking supplements.
